Our CCRA breakfast had 20 people show up which was a good turnout.

Vicki, N6KLS was back in rare form running the meeting.

Earle, KM6WM, Trevor, WA6JAU and Mary Jane, N6NVA turned towards the camera when asked to while Vicki was looking the other way. No one got into trouble for not listening to N6KLS at that moment!
It was announced the Contra Costa Repeater Association’s October 26, 2015 Roster would be posted on the following Monday. In it you will find our 3 newest members.
W6MCP, Matt Poertner from Pittsburg,
KK6RSL, Ted Reyes from Pittsburg
KK6SQM, Bruce Alcorn from Concord
If you’re interested in joining the CCRA, please click here. Another opportunity to meet the repeater users is to check into the CCRA Weekly Net on Mondays at 7:35 PM so please check-in!
It was also announced that if you would like to listen to the repeater you can do so by clicking “Broadcastify” which will take you to the Broadcastify website. This service became available thanks to the time and effort of Mitchell, W8DOD.
Our next breakfast falls 2 days after Thanksgiving. There was a mixed view of should we or should we not get together. Many of our members expressed interest in getting together so plan on being at our next and final year end CCRA breakfast on November 28th, 2015. It will be at the Legends & Heroes Sports Bar at 9 AM at the Diablo Creek Golf Course at 4050 Port Chicago Highway in North Concord.
We will be cancelling the December 26th breakfast since it is one day after Christmas. We will resume our regular scheduled breakfasts on January 23rd, 2016.
Last but not least it is time to renew your annual membership with the CCRA. In the October 26th CCRA roster you will find members names highlighted in yellow. This indicates you are paid up through 2015 and it is time for you to renew your membership. Please send your dues to:
Jan Overacker, KC6ZKS
CCRA Treasurer
981 Lexington Way
Woodland, CA 95695
We hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!