There were concerns that no one would show up at the November breakfast since it occurred just 2 days after Thanksgiving. Were we wrong!
We had 28 at the breakfast and it was a nice to see a full room. We had Dennis Matzen, KA6FUB, wife Michel visit us from Jacksonville, Oregon which will soon be a part of the 51st State of Jackson. A little further up north we had Kurt Hallmeyer, KK7WK (formerly KC6SNW) visit us from Tualatin, Oregon. Both Dennis and Kurt were instrumental in maintaining the repeater system 10 plus years ago when they lived in Contra Costa. We also had Karina Tabone, KG6FQA, her husband Matthew and daughter Mary visiting from Bremerton, Washington. Karina was the brains behind the website rebuild earlier this year. We also had her twin brother, Joe, KG6FQC visiting from Minden, Nevada…it was a full house.
The Contra Costa Repeater Association’s November 30, 2015 Roster has been posted. In it you will find our 3 newest members. KF6AKU, Doug Slusher from Larkspur. He also is the Trustee and Director of the Marin Amateur Radio Society repeaters on 146.70 and 147.33 MHz in Marin County. KK6IOG, Rick Wesson from Richmond joined us and is farming in Richmond!!! Last but not least Kurt Hallmeyer from Tualatin, Oregon rejoined after a long absence from the group. When you hear them on the repeater please say hello and welcome them to the repeater.
As a reminder have canceled the December 26th breakfast since it is one day after Christmas.
Please check into the Contra Costa Repeater Association Weekly Net – Mondays at 7:35 PM using one of 3 linked repeaters on 147.735 MHz, 145.49 MHz, 145.41 MHz while using a -600 KHz frequency split with a PL of 107.2 Hz.
The CCRA will have its next breakfast the 4th Saturday of the month at Legends & Heroes Sports Bar at 9 AM on January 23th, 2016. Legends is located at at the Diablo Creek Golf Course at 4050 Port Chicago Highway in North Concord.
As a reminder, we are now collecting the 2016 CCRA membership dues. Please send them to:
Jan Overacker, KC6ZKS
CCRA Treasurer
981 Lexington Way
Woodland, CA 95695
Please enjoy the pictures of the November Breakfast which have been posted below. The CCRA wishes everyone a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

November 28th, 2015 CCRA Breakfast (1 of 4 Photos).

November 28th, 2015 CCRA Breakfast (2 of 4 Photos).

November 28th, 2015 CCRA Breakfast (3 of 4 Photos).

November 28th, 2015 CCRA Breakfast (4 of 4 Photos).