N6KLS is pleased to announce that in memory of Glenn, KJ6EN – SK, she has rebuilt and updated the Zumfoto.com photography website. In April he will have been gone a year. While time has passed his memories remain vivid in our minds and through his beautiful work. She hopes you will take a few minutes to look at each page, enjoying the site and the many photographs of Glenn that she added within the site. The link to Zumfoto.com is attached below. Remember for future use it is an F spelling of photo smile emoticon. Please pass the link along to others for their viewing pleasure. The photos are copyrighted and that is mentioned on the site. Cheers and Happy New Year everyone!
http://zumfoto.com via GoDaddy http://x.co/1GvAH

Vicki Zumwalt
Please connect with me on Linked In: