Once again the Benicia Amateur Radio Club and its volunteers will be conducting another One-Day Ham Radio Class. This class is intended for those wishing to get a Tech Ham license, or existing Techs wishing to upgrade to General.
Conducted multiple times throughout the year, this class has been very well received by the greater Northern California community. We have helped Hams from Shasta to Santa Cruz, the San Joaquin Valley, and from the Peninsula to the Sierra Foothills.
Many of us know people that we’d love to see get into our exciting hobby but have faced opposition because they didn’t have time to study. As we know, many people typically require one to two months to prepare to pass their test.
We have the answer. Earn a license or upgrade in One Day!
Historically over 90% of attendees pass the on-site FCC licensing exam. Our exams are administered by federally accredited Volunteer Examiners (VE’s) immediately at the conclusion of the class. Our proven class pass rate easily exceeds home study results.
How your Club benefits
We have generated a large number of very active Hams who have brought additional participation, dimension and interest to their local clubs and their CERT Teams. We’re seeing our successful attendees now volunteering for On-The-Air activities, Drills, Nets & Public Service Events, and accepting leadership roles on club boards and committees.
Expand the success of your Club and its Public Service Capabilities. Please Share this email with your club members, friends, family, co-workers and local CERT Teams
We invite all persons interested in obtaining a Ham license – or Techs wishing to upgrade – to enroll in this One-Day class. We have over 30 Facilitators and Accredited VEs to help deliver this successful class.
One-Day Ham Radio Class
When: Sept 24, 2016, 7:30AM-5:00 PM
Where: Benicia Senior Center, 187 East “L” Street, Benicia, CA 94510
Cost: $30. Includes all study material, venue, day-long refreshments, handouts, freebies and the federally required exam fee. All instructors, facilitators and VEs are volunteers.
Access: Our facility has full handicap access.
Info/Signup: Online at www.BeniciaARC.com. Class size is limited, register promptly.
Questions: hamradioclass@beniciaarc.com or
Ham Class Registrar, Art Mayoff, (925) 212-9953
Here is the flyer for the class…