The Contra Costa Repeater Association’s January 30, 2017 CCRA Membership Roster has been posted.
You will notice that a light red highlight and asterisk has been added to the roster. This signifies we have NOT received your 2017 dues as of January 30th and you will be removed from the roster in February. So please, let me know your intent to renew so I don’t remove you!
Emily Siemons now has her Extra Class License and has changed her callsign from KJ6BUE to AI6OQ. Congratulations on the ticket upgrade!
This CCRA Membership Roster has 1 new member. Please welcome K6OH, David Mulkearns with an Extra Class License from Antioch. As a side note, Dave was at the January meeting and due to being busy I didn’t have a chance to meet with him. My apologies Dave. I hope to meet you at the next meeting in February.
I thank the following members for their continued support:
Jim Siemons, AF6PU; Misa Siemons, KJ6BUE; Emily Siemons, AI6OQ; Frank Castro, K6FAC; Terry Burkholder, KE6ZLB; Doug Slusher, KF6AKU; Jack King, KK6TZL; John Heckle, KE6VSA; Trevor Hall, WA6JAU; Todd Gritzer, KK6FSZ; Sandi Gritzer, KK6FTA and Jonathan Gritzer, KK6VBK and Mike Harryman, KJ6BHX for getting in their dues.
There is still time to renew before the end of January but time is quickly running out!!!
Dues for Full Members remains at $20 annually while Family membership is $10 for each additional family member. If there are 3 or more in the family the maximum cost is $40 per year. If you are not a member of the CCRA and would like to join and help support the efforts of the CCRA please click here. If your dues are not received by January 31, 2017, you will be dropped from the membership…so please renew ASAP. Please send in your 2017 dues to the attention of the CCRA Treasurer: