The CCRA wants to recognize Scott Anderson for upgrading to Extra Class and changing his callsign from KM6BNP to KW6SA (Scott Anderson). Congratulations to Scott!
We have added 6 new members since the beginning of the year. They are:
Carol Earley, KM6IXS, General Class
Denis Earley, KM6IXA, General Class
Mary Solon, KD6MKS, Technician Class
Mike Warren, W6MEW (notice he has his name initials for his call suffix), Technician Class
Daniel Lamey, KD6DTL (another initials for the suffux), Technician Class
Robert McNicholas, K6RJM (Do you see a pattern here???) Technician Class
So out of the 7 updates and new members, 4 of the 7 have their initials in their callsign suffix. This might be the start of a trend…