American Red Cross Exercise on Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Contra Costa Repeater Association is working with Wiley Sanders, KF6IIU to coordinate the use of the WA6HAM repeater system for an American Red Cross Exercise on Saturday, May 30, 2020. The exercise will use the repeater system starting at 9:25 AM. This will be after the scheduled Orinda Fire Station 45 ERT net at 9:00 AM.

One of the goals of the exercise is to “engage Red Cross Chapters with our local/regional ARES, chapters along lines of the MOU, in order to strengthen and develop that relationship.” The local exercise will be used to note basic metrics, such as numbers of participants, numbers of groups participating (ARES, CERTS, Government agencies etc). The continued “Safe at Home” evolution results in most participants operating from home, vehicles, or other suitable locations. We will exchange message traffic, propagation reports etc, based on the scenario of a county wide Red Cross activation to match the number of participants.

All amateurs, ARES and CCSO COMU hams are welcome to join in. Operators in surrounding counties as well are welcome; check to see if your local ARES or Red Cross office is participating. If you would like more information please contact Wiley Sanders, KF6IIU at (925) 788-9114 or email him at