Saturday, May 14, 2016 – Benicia, CA
Study Session followed by Exam
It is with regret to announce the passing of Marilyn Capener, N6XMK on December 21, 2016. She passed away, in her sleep after a long fight with Alzheimer’s disease. I’ve Continue Reading →
PACIFICON 2016 will be at the San Ramon, California Marriott located at 2600 Bishop Drive in San Ramon CA 94583 Friday through Sunday October 14-16, 2016. For more information please Continue Reading →
Once again the Benicia Amateur Radio Club and its volunteers will be conducting another One-Day Ham Radio Class. This class is intended for those wishing to get a Tech Ham Continue Reading →
The July 23rd Contra Costa Repeater Association breakfast had an amazing turnout of 27 people in the middle of Summer! Information was shared on the upcoming Pacificon Convention, a guest Continue Reading →
It’s been 9 months since a link has been added to the CCRA website and it is with pleasure that we now add a link to “Krebs on Security”. Brian Continue Reading →
It is with sadness we must report that Robert G Hanlon, W8HIZ become a SK on Sunday, May 29th, 2016. The CCRA expresses our condolences to his family for their Continue Reading →
By Glen Rickerd, no6w@arrl.net A few weeks back I had occasion to test a power supply transformer in a piece of equipment I was repairing. The DC winding resistance measurements Continue Reading →
I started out playing with a SDR dongle back four or five years ago when you had to order them through eBay, from Hong Kong. That first one had serious Continue Reading →
Saturday, May 14, 2016 – Benicia, CA
Study Session followed by Exam
N6KLS is pleased to announce that in memory of Glenn, KJ6EN – SK, she has rebuilt and updated the Zumfoto.com photography website. In April he will have been gone a Continue Reading →