KA6BQF requests help for a 20 Mile Boy Scout Hike on June 6, 2015.

Randy Jenkins, KA6BQF is looking for help with the FAGES II Boy Scout Hike on June 6th. The Boy Scout event starts and finishes at Camp Herms in the Berkeley Hills; and goes over trails in Wildcat Canyon and Tilden Regional Parks. Between 50 and 200 Scouts and adult leaders participate. Randy needs 8 to 12 Hams to man staff check points along the trail, and check in and report participants by Troop. Early checkpoints are shorter duration. Net control is at the lunch stop until all participants have cleared that point, and transfers to the checkout point for the final participants. Hams may volunteer as radio equipped sweeps.

For further information please use the following link to the Boy Scout FAGES II Hike Webpage or contact Randy at ka6bqf@arrl.net.