A few years ago I had the pleasure of visiting Japan and met some great people. I found they share one of the same concerns those of use who live California have…the ever present chance of an earthquake. On March 11, 2011 they had a magnitude 9 earthquake that shook northeastern Japan and unleashed a massive tsunami. In researching the catastrophe that followed I came across a You Tube video that shows how the tsunami unfolded in real time in a city called Kesennuma located in northeastern Miyagi prefecture, northern Honshu, Japan.

Kesennuma located in northeastern Miyagi prefecture, northern Honshu, Japan.
The below two Google Earth photos is a close up of the Kesennuma School area before and after tsunami.

Google Earth satellite picture near the Kesennuma School before the March 11, 2011 Earthquake and tusnami.

Google Earth satellite picture near the Kesennuma School after the March 11, 2011 Earthquake and tusnami.
When you examine the above 2 pictures you may want to go to Google Earth and look in greater detail at the surrounding area. The images are startling. It is worth looking at other Google Earth photos of the same area since it shows how slow recovery can be…
The videographer was near the Kesennuma School when it all began and did an amazing job of capturing the tsunami as it unfolded. To view the amazing 26 minute video click below…