Greetings, A Celebration of Life has been organized in remembrance of Kurt on Sunday, June 9th from 1-4 pm at the Highlands Community Clubhouse at 12930 SW Peachvale Street, Portland, OR 97224. An evite invitation with further information is available at http://evite.me/d7vXMzH6hz. Please RSVP if you are able to intend.
The family has selected Dogs for Better Lives (https://dogsforbetterlives.org/) as a charity that friends can support in honor of Kurt. When donating online, there is a comments field where you can indicate your gift is in remembrance of Kurt.
Several people have requested contact information for Kurt’s parents to provide a sympathy card.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hallmeyer
48 Margaret Drive
Walnut Creek, CA 94596-6047
(925) 935-3828
Please forward a copy of this email to anyone you can think of that I may have overlooked. I look forward to seeing many of you on the 9th. I know that his family and friends have been comforted by your condolences and support.