Pre CCRA Breakfast Meeting Message from Vicki, N6KLS

I am looking forward to seeing everyone at our next meeting on June 26, 2021 at the Legends Restaurant-small room in front at 8:30 or 9:00 AM. Please find attached our amended by-laws as indicated below. I have noted the changes which have already been approved by the board.

Please also find the attached agenda for our next meeting. Thank you for your attention to this and see you soon! Please call me if you have any questions regarding the changes – 925 322-0417.

Vicki Zumwalt, CCRA Chair


I took the liberty of amending the By Laws we had approved on 11/25/2012. Yes in 9 years there has been a few changes. So you don’t have to guess what I amended here following are the changes:

IV. a, b, and e-amended the bank account information: It used to read “They will have co-signature responsibilities for the CCRA bank account.” New language reads “They will have signature authority for the CCRA bank account.” Background: Steve indicates our business account is set up to require only 1 signature to write an approved check, not co-signatures.

IV. a-Added,
A control operator may be designed by the Repeater Trustee per the FCC guidelines.

voting of members must be 2/3 vote of members present at the meeting

IV. c-added the same language as above a, b, and e giving signature authority to the Vice Chairperson as well. I believe this was an oversight previously that we did not authorize this person signature authority.

IV. d-Last sentence reading The Technical Committee Lead must be able to work closely with the Repeater Trustee (s) and those on the Executive Board……
Added Technical Committee Members after the words Repeater Trustee (s).

Everything else I-IV remains identical as previously approved by the membership.

V. Revised the annual membership to indicate $30.00 instead of 20, added the couples cost of $35.
Removed the last line of V a, b and C-members no longer receive an repeater control codes according to Trevor.

V.b-revised household maximum to $45.00.

VI. Assessment-added vote of two thirds of the voting members of the Association present at the meeting when voted upon

VIII. Added by electronic means-Meetings of the members of the Association shall be held monthly in person, by electronic means…

Agenda for CCRA Meeting-June 26, 2021
1. Welcome back!

2. Vote on Executive Board positions. This is done every odd year. Due to Covid it did not take place at our January 2021 meeting:

Suggested nominees:

Chair-Vicki Zumwalt

Vice Chair-Brad Sage

Technical Committee Lead-Trevor Hall

Secretary/Treasurer-Diana Sage

Open nominations for each position?

3. Review and Approval of ByLaws amended May 2021

4. Jan to give a financial report to the group with amount in CCRA bank account and any outstanding bills


Attachments areaCCRA By Laws for amendment 052021 last revised 11252012