February 26, 2022 Breakfast Membership Meeting


26 FEBRUARY 2022

Venue: Legends Heroes and Sports Bar at Diablo Creek Golf Course

Meeting called to order at 9 AM PST by Vicki N6KLS, CCRA Chair.  The General meeting was preceded by a meeting of the CCRA Board that commenced at 8 AM PST.

Eighteen (18) members and guests were in attendance.  Introductions, name and call sign were presented in rotation around the room. Each attendee invited to briefly review their ham activities over previous month.

Vicki introduced Mary KD6MKS now joining as a Net Control Team member, one of our five rotating Monday night net controller’s. Warm welcome and thanks given Mary.

Jim WA6EKS announced there was a consensus at the Board Meeting this morning that if a member misses three (3) consecutive Monday night net check-ins their call will be dropped from the roll call list. Members will be relisted upon subsequent check-ins. This may be implemented in the future after further evaluation.

Treasurer’s report given by Diana KA6TZU. Beginning balance as of 1 January 2022, $4490.85. Total disbursements $254.52.  Ending balance as of 25 February 2022, $4579.33.

Trevor WA6JAU reported WA6HAM repeater system working very well and EchoLink now expanded from one to five simultaneous participants. Members thanked Trevor and Craig KD6RDD for making this happen and their continued tech support of the CCRA.

Mike Patterson N6JGA, our ARRL East Bay Section Manager gave update on recent ARRL local and national activities. He then, representing the MDARC, provided a Pacificon planning overview and solicited volunteers for the several Pacificon Committee openings.

Brad K6JPR mentioned that he recently visited the CCRA website and a “Not a secure site” notice popped up. Steve WA6HAM indicated that this is dependent on the user’s browser security settings. He assured the attendees that the CCRA website is “safe and secure”. It was noted that preferably others seeking the CCRA site not be greeted with such a notice. We will consider looking into if/how the notice can be easily eliminated.  Specific action not assigned.

March Meeting scheduled for Saturday the 26th. 2022.

Meeting adjourned at 10:20 AM PST.
Respectfully submitted
Diana KA6TZU-Secretary/Treasurer